TasNetworks Data Centre

TasNetworks combined its extensive fibre network with a new highly resilient and redundant Data Centre facility to provide integrated computing and communication services across key Tasmanian industries including Health, Education, Telecommunications and Government.

A.G. Coombs was appointed as head contractor to design and construct Stage II of the project, transforming TasNetworks’ internal Data Centre facility into a next generation facility fit for mission critical commercial computing services.

The Data Centre upgrade was designed using 3D BIM Revit® software. Building Information Modelling assisted with maximising floor space for revenue generating Information and Communications Technology (ICT) racks. It also helped to optimise construction time using virtual design and build methodologies to streamline the process and highlight potential site problems like services clashes, prior to construction.

The design focused heavily on scalability, and the ability to be readily extended to meet changing demand, operationally resilient, energy efficient and secure. It also took advantage of the cooler climate of Tasmania, incorporating indirect free cooling that enables a reduction in energy consumption and ongoing operational costs associated with cooling. Other environmental benefits are coming from a hot and cold aisle containment solution, high efficiency Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS) systems, sensor controlled lighting and a Proinert IG-55 gas system which has zero ozone depletion and zero global warming potential. Remote management initiatives, including an independent Environmental Monitoring System, are enabling ongoing real-time monitoring and management of the “lights-out” operation.

TasNetworks’ Data Centre expansion is critical to our business plan. Expanding this facility together with our fibre infrastructure is positioning TasNetworks as a leader within Tasmania for infrastructure hosting and communication services. Through the detailed design process, A.G. Coombs successfully coordinated all of the service upgrades necessary for Stage II and Stage III expansion, prior to any construction commencing. During construction, the new design came to life and our clients are now enjoying the benefits of this fantastic new facility.

Dean Dixon, Business Development Manager, TasNetworks

Project Overview

Project Name: TasNetworks Data Centre (formerly Aurora Energy)

Location: TAS

Client: TasNetworks

Project Value: $3m

Year Completed: 2013

Project Type

Construction – upgrade (Head Contractor; Design and Construct; Data Centre upgrade; Building Information Modelling


  • All elements of the solution delivered and integrated correctly, with minimal disruption to the live, critical, ongoing commercial operation.
  • Data Centre on track to achieve TasNetworks’ targeted PUE (Power Usage Effectiveness) of 1.3 or less.
  • Tripled Data Centre power, cooling and ICT rack capacity, allowing TasNetworks to expand its facility as its client base grows.
  • High level of resilience achieved, which will accommodate potential plant failure and planned maintenance downtime for critical equipment throughout its lifecycle, without disruption to ongoing operations.

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