
Walker Fire Protection was engaged by builders FDC to install, commission, test and maintain a new integrated fire protection system, to help keep the critical facility safe.

NEXTDC’s new integrated fire protection system was installed in three 1,000 square metre data halls. Fire alarms, smoke detectors and VESDA® (Very Early Smoke Detection Apparatus) systems were installed for earliest possible detection. The VESDA® reference system also helps to protect the site from external smoke and fire, closing the building’s air intake louvers so that the VESDA® system does not trigger the gas suppression system.

The new gaseous fire suppression system uses Proinert® Gas to stop a detected fire event. The gas is stored in cylinders with 160 initial response gas cylinders installed and another 160 reserve gas cylinders providing back-up, making this one of the largest gas suppression system installations in Australia.

An advanced water mist system was installed in each of the 13 generator rooms, to protect the operation of the Data Centre’s diesel generators. If the heat detectors are activated, high pressure water mist will be released to quickly suppress flames.

NEXTDC’s primary objective is to deliver secure, reliable long-term solutions to our clients. Our clients therefore need to trust in our protection of their critical infrastructure and in our safe storage capability. The fire risks associated with our new M1 Data Centre have been identified and effectively managed. Working with Walker Fire Protection, we have ensured maximum fire protection through very early warning alarms and proven fire suppression systems including a full backup gas fire suppression capability. Walker Fire Protection were very helpful and have drawn on their specialist knowledge and expertise to install an innovative, fully integrated and practical fire protection solution that aligns with NEXTDC’s requirements.

Jeff Van Zetten, Head of Engineering, NEXTDC

Project Overview

Project Name: NextDC

Location: VIC

Client: FDC Construction & Fitout Pty Ltd

Project Value: $>2m

Year Completed: 2013

Project Type

Fire Detection Services (head contractor, Installation, Commissioning, Testing, Maintenance)


  • Successful installation and commissioning of one of the largest gas suppression systems in Australia.
  • Quick identification of smoke or fire sources through the sophisticated graphical system that monitors the complete integrated fire system.
  • The new system accounts for future expansion, with the M1 Data Centre planned to offer 6,000 square metres of technical co-location space spread equally across six data halls.

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