Alphapharm Production Building Services Upgrade

Alphapharm has been developing and supplying generically branded medicine in Australia for over 30 years with millions of Australians taking an Alphapharm generic medicine every day. Alphapharm has since become the largest supplier of medicine in relation to the government subsidised Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme as well as Australia’s leader in generic medicines.

Engaged in the role of Principal Contractor, all works required for the project were completed under the direct management and control of A.G. Coombs.

Throughout the 12-month duration of the project, A.G. Coombs worked closely and collaboratively with Alphapharm. The extensive and complex system upgrade was completed without unplanned interruption to pharmaceutical production.

The existing aged facility was originally established in the 1970’s, this project was instigated to bring it up to current pharmaceutical industry Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) standards.

Achieving these standards included installation of new critically controlled air handling plant and air distribution systems. These increased Production Suite air flow rates to a significantly higher rate of 20 air changes for operator safety, whilst maintaining critical temperature, humidity and room pressure gradients required for pharmaceutical quality control.

This complex project included extensive building works, logistics and cranage and the following scope of works:

  • Mechanical Electrical
  • BMS controls
  • Chilled Water Reticulation
  • Air System alterations and additions
  • HEPA Filter Installation
  • Critical HVAC & Production Suite Pressure Commissioning
  • Hazardous Area Certification
  • HVAC Certification

For more information on this project and other A.G. Coombs pharmaceutical facility projects please contact A.G. Coombs at

Project Overview

Project Name: Alphapharm Production Building Services Upgrade

Location: Carole Park, Queensland

Client: Alphapharm (Now Viatris)

Year Completed: 2020

Project Type

Principal Contractor


The services upgrade enabled crucially important pharmaceutical production for the Australian population and further production expansion for global export of these locally manufactured products.

Following the upgrade the Alphapharm Facility achieved the following world class certification standards.

  • Pharmaceutical Industry GMP standard .
  • Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) certification
  • United States of America Federal Drug Administration (FDA) Certification achieved

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