R U OK? A Conversation can Change a Life

September 3, 2021

R U OK? Day 2021 is Thursday 9th September. It’s our national day of action when we remind Australians that every day is the day to ask, “Are you OK?” if someone in your world is struggling with life’s ups and downs.

This year, the message is
Are they 
really OK? Ask them today.

Do you know how the people in your world are really going?

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought so many challenges for everyone. It has made it even more important for us all to stay connected and, for those who are able, be willing to support those around us. In the lead-up to R U OK? Day we’ll help Australians know what to say when someone says they’re not OK and guide them through how they can continue a conversation that could change a life.

Life’s ups and downs happen to all of us. So chances are someone you know might be struggling. Your genuine support can make a difference whatever they are facing, big or small.

So, don’t wait until someone’s visibly distressed or in crisis. Make a moment meaningful and ask them how they’re really going.

Are they really OK? Ask them today. Your conversation could change a life.

R U OK? has developed FREE resources to help you encourage everyone in your school, workplace and community to think about who in their world might need to be asked how they’re really going and how to make a moment meaningful by asking “are you OK?” Sign up below to view the resources.

To find out more on what to say after R U OK? Or to download the FREE resources for tips and ideas to help you share the message in your community visit: https://www.ruok.org.au/join-r-u-ok-day

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