39 Hunter Street

In 2012, heritage-listed 39 Hunter Street underwent a major upgrade.

A.G. Coombs was nominated by building owners the Kador Group to provide base building HVAC and mechanical services maintenance to help ensure the building retains its impressive environmental performance whilst fulfilling the needs of the tenant and maintaining the quality of the asset.

The facility incorporates state-of-the-art building services including energy efficient central plant chillers and boilers, air conditioning and ventilation systems, and lighting systems. Along with delivering base building HVAC and mechanical services maintenance, A.G. Coombs (NSW) helped to improve compliance certification processes and further improve the building’s environmental performance. A detailed fire matrix was prepared, and a range of additional energy optimisation opportunities were identified. These included a Building Energy Optimisation Program to ensure the building’s new energy consuming systems operate at maximum efficiency.

Other system modifications have also further enhanced the building’s environmental performance including improvements to the site’s waste system.

Ongoing effective maintenance of 39 Hunter Street is critical in our efforts to retain and even improve the energy performance of this 6 Star Green Star heritage listed facility.

Graham Ross, Kador Group

Project Overview

Project Name: 39 Hunter Street

Location: NSW

Client: Kador Group

Project Type

HVAC & Mechanical Services Maintenance


  • Building Energy Optimisation Program and other initiatives including improvements to the site’s waste system leading to further improvements in the building’s environmental performance.
  • Improved compliance certification process including the development of a detailed fore matrix.
  • Development and delivery of a specialist HVAC and mechanical services maintenance program to ensure tenant satisfaction, asset protection, environmental efficiency and regulatory compliance.


  • S4B Studio Award for Best Heritage and Adaptive Reuse at the 2012 Property Council of Australia’s Innovation & Excellence Awards

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